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NiboRoboLib 3.6.0

(Release date: 2017-01-16)

Die NiboRoboLib enthält alle Treiber, Bibliotheken und Tools für die Nibo, NIBO 2 und NIBObee Roboter.


  • Software auch für neue NIBO 2 Board Version 2.50
  • BOB3 arduino lib
  • Bugfixes und kleine Verbesserungen

niborobolib_306_x64.msi - Installer für 64 Bit Windows (7, 8, 10)
niborobolib_306_x86.msi - Installer für 32 Bit Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
niborobolib_306.tgz - Qellcode für Linux etc...
niborobolib_306_doc.pdf - Windows Installationsanleitung

NiboRoboLib - Entwicklerseite Sourceforge (Quellcode und ältere Versionen)


* 2017-01-17
* NiboRoboLib 3.6.0
* Release Candidate

2017-01-17 (springob)
* added support for NIBO 2 board version 2.50

* 2016-12-21
* NiboRoboLib 3.5.0
* Release Candidate

2016-12-21 (springob)
* added BOB3 arduino lib

* 2016-04-16
* NiboRoboLib 3.4.1
* Release Candidate

2016-04-16 (springob)
* robodude: fixed 64 bit installer problem with libusb0.dll
* documentation: updated to 3.4

* 2016-03-07
* NiboRoboLib 3.4
* Release Candidate

2016-03-07 (springob)
* arduino: autodetect installed Arduino version (1.6.5/1.6.6/1.6.7)

2016-02-25 (springob)
* burger: new function led_toggle()
* burger: fixed motpwm_get[Left/Right]() sign bug (thanks to BirgerT!)

2016-02-25 (springob)
* nibobee: fixed pwm calculation speed bug (thanks to BirgerT!)
* nibobee: added usart_rxavail() usart_txavail()
* burger: added usart_rxavail() usart_txavail()
* nibo2: added uart[0/1]_rxavail() uart[0/1]_txavail()

2016-02-24 (springob)
* burger: added clock_elapsed_ms() and clock_get_systime_ms(), optimized clock ISR
* nibobee: added clock_elapsed_ms() and clock_get_systime_ms(), optimized clock ISR

2016-02-23 (springob)
* burger: fixed pwm calculation speed bug (thanks to BirgerT!)
* burger: analog.c more independant on clock speed
* nibo2: support for RG128064 gfx displays

2016-02-22 (springob)
* windows: signed drivers for NIBObee, NIBO burger and UCOM-IR2
* arduino: fixed delay() problem with timer0 (delay is now based on pwm/pid timer)

2016-01-11 (springob)
* burger: improved documentation, some items from BirgerT

2016-01-11 (springob)
* burger: improved pid controller: motpid_setTargetRel(dist, dist, speed) 
          will reach the target position with much higher precision
* burger: EngineClass::setPWM() will call motpid_release() first
* burger: rc5 tx and rx should work now, just plug a SFH 5110-36 in X13!
